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Beauty Salon

Empower your client with the convenience of online booking for your salon services, accessible anytime, anywhere. Provide them with the flexibility to preview pricing and select services tailored to their preferences, all with just a few clicks. Embrace the efficiency and accessibility of an advanced appointment scheduling solution for your salon business today, enhancing customer satisfaction and optimizing operational processes.

Beauty Salon - 1 Month Free Trial


Per Year
  • Business Owner Accounts 1
  • Service Agents 5
  • Locations/Branches 2
  • Advanced Bookings per Month 100
  • Customer Same day booking Yes
  • Customer Mobile App Yes
  • Customer Real-time notifications Yes
  • Customer Booking reminder (same day morning) Yes
  • Daily Summary Report via Email - per Location no
  • Reserve With Google Yes
  • Business Owner Offers 6
  • Reserve With Google Redirection Yes
Beauty Salon - Standard


Per Year
  • Business Owner Accounts 1
  • Service Agents 5
  • Locations/Branches 2
  • Advanced Bookings per Month 100
  • Customer Same day booking Yes
  • Customer Mobile App Yes
  • Customer Real-time notifications Yes
  • Customer Booking reminder (same day morning) Yes
  • Daily Summary Report via Email - per Location no
  • Reserve With Google Yes
  • Business Owner Offers 6
  • Reserve With Google Redirection Yes
Beauty Salon - Comprehensive


Per Year
  • Business Owner Accounts 1
  • Service Agents 5
  • Locations/Branches 2
  • Advanced Bookings per Month 100
  • Customer Same day booking Yes
  • Customer Mobile App Yes
  • Customer Real-time notifications Yes
  • Customer Booking reminder (same day morning) Yes
  • Daily Summary Report via Email - per Location no
  • Reserve With Google Yes
  • Business Owner Offers 6
  • Reserve With Google Redirection Yes
Enterprise Plan

If you want the custom plans that suits your business,
Contact Our Sales Team

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Still not sure which plan is best for you?

If you want to explore our platform before you decide, we have a limited time trial for you.

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